We have been busy and the time between now and when we leave for my parents (in 7 days) will go way too fast. So much still to do...but it's a great time of year!
Keely loves the tree (or maybe it's the ornaments). While she eats, she looks at the tree and laughs.

Tyson and I decorated a gingerbread house. He actually did quite a bit on it.

Luke sang twice this weekend. He sang at the opening of the Happy Valley City Hall and at the Grotto. These are pictures at the City Hall. The first one is of Grandma Clara (Tyson took it).

Tyson and Keely love balloons. I was trying to think of some art project for Tyson to do...so he decorated a balloon...or should I say several. The first 2 popped after he had decorated it for quite awhile.

Keely is growing up too fast. She turn *1* in 6 days. She loves to drive the bus.

She loves to stand up, but gets very nervous when the walker moves away from her.

Not the greatest of pictures...but I wanted to get a picture of her in her navy dress because it makes her eyes look even more blue.