Sunday, July 19, 2009

They Think It's a Fracture!

So, Keely has continued to limp. It has been more than five days since it started. And, it has continued to get worse. So, I took her into the emergency room today at Emmanuel (a children's hospital). We actually got seen right away and ended up only being at the hospital for 1.5 hours. They examined her more than once (and more than one person), checked her vitals, and did some x-rays.
Guess what?? Nothing showed up. She's healthy, but she has this mysterious limp. The doctor we saw and the pediactric orthopedic doctor that looked at the x-rays are both fairly certain that it is a toddler fracture. They don't cast it. So, basically we wait for it to heal. We have a follow-up appointment this week before we head up to see my family.

1 comment:

Nadia said...

Oh no! I do think that something was wrong with the way she was limping around...hope it heals up quickly!