Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How in the World...

is Keely going to stay in full term? I have no idea. Last night it felt like she was really working on hard at getting out. I know that things move around faster in your secomd pregnancy, but it feels like things are pretty much moved. Last night I was having some small shots of pain heading south. So, I had to sit down for a while because she needs to stay in for a few more weeks to make her healthy enough. Luckily I haven't started having any contractions (not even any Braxton Hicks) yet.
Tyson is keeping me very busy, but will allow me to rest every now and then. Which is great! I have been feeling quite tired this last week. I have been suffering from insomnia for the past week, not every night...but ENOUGH OF THEM!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

well we're praying for you and little keely. Keep us posted!