I guess I should fill in some details. Keely has been congested and I think the drainage has been affecting her tummy. She has been spitting up a lot more than usual. So, I guess she has a reason for being uncomfortable. Anyway...when she woke up, I changed her diaper and then fed her. She was back in bed, fully asleep, within a half hour. But, shortly after that she woke up again because of spit up or a burp or something. It kind of all runs together. So, I picked her up and burped her some more. We got more burps out and more spit up as well. Then for some reason (which we found out later) she was fully awake. I rocked her hoping that she would fall asleep...but she had other plans. She was obviously uncomfortable. Meanwhiles my back started hurting because I had been holding her for so long that I laid her down. She talked for quite a while and then became very upset...so back up she came. Luke took her out for a while so that I could try to get some more sleep. I guess I slept for a while. I woke up to her crying (even though I didn't think I had slept). So I went to get her to feed her. While she was with Luke she had filled her pants, which would have been a big reason she was A-W-A-K-E. After feeding her, she fell asleep when I was burping her...until...everything came up, all over her and me. I luckily kept it off our bed. I am pretty sure the drainage caused the puking. So after changing and getting Keely into clean clothes I got her to go to sleep.
This morning she spit up a lot again...so she had a bath...which she absolutely loves. We all know that she had planned everything just so she could have a bath this morning! :)
Ahh...I am currently sporting some spit-up myself!
A month?! WOW. Can't wait for another couple months till we see you guys and meet Keely!
Hey, did you make the blanket? Adorable.
No, I didn't. Luke's mom and sister gave it to her. It is hand made though.
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