Tuesday, January 15, 2008

An Eventful Day!

So today, we woke up with Keely being conjested. She's not too bad, but it has caused her to spit up (and vomit) a few times.
I cut my hair off today. It actually ended up being longer than I was planning to go. I needed to cut it because it was in Keely's face all the time when it was down. When I pull it back I get a headache/neckache. So I decided to cut it. I love it!
Tonight Luke was changing Tyson's diaper and Tyson had a penny in his hand. (Tyson has an obsession with money.) He put it in his mouth, which he has never done before. He started to choke. Luke said he could see it in his throat. Luke ripped him off the change table and pounded him in the back a couple of times and it came out. We were all quite shaken up.
So some good and some not so good events today! But, all in all we are well!

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