Sunday, May 4, 2008

Top 5

Colette posted her top 5 and requested the same from me. So here goes...

1. 5 Things I Couldn't Live Without for Under $5
- deoderant
- water (love my water)
- ice cream
- nail polish
- my toothbrush and toothpaste

2. 5 Favorite Movies
-The Sound of Music
- Sweet Home Alabama
- The Princess Bride
- Save the Last Dance
- I am Legen

3. 5 Baby Names I Love But Won't Use

4. 5 Songs I Could Listen To Over and Over Again
- anything my husband wants to sing to me
- anything Tyson sings (he's just really gotten into singing lately)
- Mayberry (Rascall Flatts)
- I'm not good with song titles!

5. 5 People Who Have Influenced My Life In A Positive Way
- Jesus
- My parents
- Grandma Clara
- Allison, Colette, Fiona
- Okay that's more than 5, but there are so many more

6. 5 Things That Stay In My Purse At All Times (I'm with Allison...what's a purse...I carry a diaper bag)
- Wallet
- Lip Gloss
- Diapers/Wipes
- Snacks
- Hand sanitizer

7. 5 Moments That Have Changed My Life Forever
- Marrying Luke
- Graduating from College
- Having Tyson
- Having Keely
- Getting Baptized

8. 5 Obessions I Have Right Now
-my "to do" lists (mostly, I just need to be doing something at all times)
-getting Tyson to go on the potty
-the warm weather
-getting rid of things

9. 5 Places I Would Like To Go
-all over Europe

10. 5 People I Would Like To See Their Top Five
-Aimee Jo
-Melissa Osborn
-Kristi Beeman

This was so much harder than I thought it would be!

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