Sunday, April 20, 2008

Made Me Smile!

As a parent you always want your child to behave perfectly. I find myself feeling like I expect too much most of the time from Tyson. We have gone through a rough couple of months with him. But, all of a sudden, his behavior and his obedience has changed and he is so much better behaved. Yesterday was a little more trying again because he didn't take a nap, but on the whole he has matured SOOOOOO much!
When I picked Tyson up from Sunday School, I heard a glowing report. For the past little while, I always ask his teachers how he behaved. He has so much energy and loves to wrestle. (There are so many girls in his class and most girls just don't like to wrestly...not sure why? :)) Anyway, when I picked him up, his teacher said he is the best behaved child in his class. He is always the first one to get his chair and sit waiting for directions. He is always the first one to put his chair away and wait patiently (what patiently?). And is such a good helper. (MY TYSON?!?!)
This was a glowing moment. I cannot tell you how much I praised him!