Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So as we are approaching the end of school (this semester) there is a HUGE pull to move back to Portland. Family, friends, school is cheaper, Luke can finish faster, trees, mountains, green, no wind (or tornadoes), free babysitting...etc.
As if right now, we are moving. We will put our 30-day notice in later this week...and that will definitely mean that we are moving. The only reason we wouldn't be moving is if God all of a sudden showed us that we need to stay.
So, between now and about 5 weeks, we have a lot of things that we need to get done. It will be a lot easier after next week is finished because Luke will not have school anymore and that will allow him to help get things scratched off my to-do list. (I pretty much have a to-do list everyday...and then I have a ongoing to-do list that needs to get done over a period of time.) The to-do list that I have right now is fairly overwhelming. But it is nice to have gotten 3 things crossed off yesterday!

1 comment:

natalie said...

I know you guys have been thinking about this off an on for a while. I dont blame you if you go...especially now that Kenron is coming we would LOVE to be closer to family, and normal weather :)
let us know your final decision.