Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another Storm's a Brewing!

So, here we are in cold Oklahoma. It was supposed to start warming up today, but instead it is snowing. Most of the ice melted off the trees, buildings,power lines, etc. yesterday, which is very good! (Please be praying for those across Oklahoma that still don't have power. Luckily there are emergency shelters available.) It is supposed to be a little bit warmer tomorrow and the weekend was supposed to be too but...
...Now we are expecting a second winter storm to move in. This is supposed to be producing only snow. The bulk of the storm is supposed to hit central Oklahoma (where we live) and we could get 4+ inches of snow. I personally am glad that it is supposed to be snow instead of freezing rain.

6 days or less!


Colette said...

Stay warm....5 days or less!

Allison McKenney said...

How close to the hospital are you? :) I can hardly wait for my call! :)