Monday, December 10, 2007

We Have Power

So we are still having horrible weather. We lost power at 3:00am this morning and it came back on this evening at 5:40pm. Luckily the west side of campus had power so we headed over to the student center this morning after getting ready. We were over there (and ate lunch there) until Tyson's naptime. We headed back and all got tucked in.
The Dean of students found homes for the married students with children. So, we were waiting to get the map to the people's home and all of a sudden the power came back on! YEAH!!!
After 1/2 hour the lights flickered a few times. But luckily, as of right now, we still have power.
We are still supposed to be getting freezing rain over the next couple of days. But, during the day it is warming up and by Wednesday night it isn't supposed to be freezing anymore.
Wow, we take so many things for granted in our world!

1 comment:

Kori said...

I hope that Keely doesn't decide to arrive during all of this bad weather for you guys. Stay safe!