Saturday, December 29, 2007

Talk about a frustrating experience!!

So, yesterday Keely had her first Doctor's appointment. Tyson's doctor doesn't take children until they are 1 so we had to find a different doctor. I had never been to the office and I printed the map off of yahoo maps. The secretary didn't say anything about us having a difficult time finding their off my mom and I went to the doctor (oh yeah, my parents arrived early early yesterday morning and are here for 9 days!). Keely's doctor works in a clinic from OU (University of Oklahoma) Children's Hospital. Anyway, I followed the directions that were printed off and found the OU medical complex and drove and drove and drove. We couldn't find the right clinic. So, we were going to be early for the appointment so that I could fill out new patient paperwork.
After driving around for quite a while, I called home to get the phone number for the clinic (My pregnant brain had forgotten it.). So, I called them and they told me where to park and where the clinic was. We got out of the car and began our way to the office and walked to one and then another building. Finally someone asked us if they could help us. They directed us towards the children's hospital. We walked through this tunnel across the road and made our way into the hospital.
Long story short, this hospital has three different towers; we entered at the wrong one. There are only about 3 clinics that are being used anymore and the rest of this big hospital is empty. Therefore, there were hardly any people anywhere to ask where to go. We finally found it with a lot of help from a few people (each person seemed to get us a little bit closer).
We ended up being 1/2 hour late...but they thankfully were still able to get us in.
Meanwhile, the whole time I am almost in tears because of lack of sleep and everything else that happens to you when you have just had a baby.

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