So, my parents are in town. So yesterday, Luke and I went to get groceries without Tyson. Can we consider that a date? It was so nice to not have him with us.
I guess I should fill you in on our grocery store trips. Tyson will not sit in the cart seats. He sometimes will sit in the back of the cart while he is eating a snack. He usually walks/runs through the store. So, we are constantly saying, "Tyson wait for us." "Tyson slow down." "Tyson this way." "Tyson come back."
He has been doing so much better the last few times that we have gone grocery shopping. I found out that he loves to get the groceries off the shelf and put them into the cart. (I try very hard to think of things for him to help with because he is a big helper!)
So, you can see why it seemed like we were on a date to Walmart. We only had our quiet, sleeping baby with us.
Actually, I think we are going to be going on a date this week while my parents are here. Have to take advantage of the free help while it's here volunteering.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Talk about a frustrating experience!!
So, yesterday Keely had her first Doctor's appointment. Tyson's doctor doesn't take children until they are 1 so we had to find a different doctor. I had never been to the office and I printed the map off of yahoo maps. The secretary didn't say anything about us having a difficult time finding their off my mom and I went to the doctor (oh yeah, my parents arrived early early yesterday morning and are here for 9 days!). Keely's doctor works in a clinic from OU (University of Oklahoma) Children's Hospital. Anyway, I followed the directions that were printed off and found the OU medical complex and drove and drove and drove. We couldn't find the right clinic. So, we were going to be early for the appointment so that I could fill out new patient paperwork.
After driving around for quite a while, I called home to get the phone number for the clinic (My pregnant brain had forgotten it.). So, I called them and they told me where to park and where the clinic was. We got out of the car and began our way to the office and walked to one and then another building. Finally someone asked us if they could help us. They directed us towards the children's hospital. We walked through this tunnel across the road and made our way into the hospital.
Long story short, this hospital has three different towers; we entered at the wrong one. There are only about 3 clinics that are being used anymore and the rest of this big hospital is empty. Therefore, there were hardly any people anywhere to ask where to go. We finally found it with a lot of help from a few people (each person seemed to get us a little bit closer).
We ended up being 1/2 hour late...but they thankfully were still able to get us in.
Meanwhile, the whole time I am almost in tears because of lack of sleep and everything else that happens to you when you have just had a baby.
After driving around for quite a while, I called home to get the phone number for the clinic (My pregnant brain had forgotten it.). So, I called them and they told me where to park and where the clinic was. We got out of the car and began our way to the office and walked to one and then another building. Finally someone asked us if they could help us. They directed us towards the children's hospital. We walked through this tunnel across the road and made our way into the hospital.
Long story short, this hospital has three different towers; we entered at the wrong one. There are only about 3 clinics that are being used anymore and the rest of this big hospital is empty. Therefore, there were hardly any people anywhere to ask where to go. We finally found it with a lot of help from a few people (each person seemed to get us a little bit closer).
We ended up being 1/2 hour late...but they thankfully were still able to get us in.
Meanwhile, the whole time I am almost in tears because of lack of sleep and everything else that happens to you when you have just had a baby.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
9 Days Old
Saturday, December 22, 2007
I have 2 kids??
Sometimes it is still hard to believe that I have 2 children. Keely is already 5 days old and I have already been sad about how fast she is going to grow up.
Keely is a VERY content baby. She is doing 3.5-4.5 hours through the night...which now I just need to sleep. (For some reason, I have been having a hard time sleeping...I wouldn't think that would be possible when all I need is some more sleep!) She really doesn't care when she is wet or poopy. She doesn't care even if she has leaked out. She doesn't cry much at all, only when she is hungry (if I am taking too long to feed her). When she wakes up through the night to eat, she just grunts and makes a lot of noise.
Here's an update on the week...
We came home on Tuesday.
On Wednesday I had to go to the emergency room to have a vein checked out to make sure I didn't have a clot. I cried almost the whole time I was in the emergency got worse when everyone asked if I was okay. (LACK OF SLEEP!!)
On Thursday, we tried to do some relaxing at home...since I found out that I over did it on Wednesday. (Me overdue it?)
On Friday, Luke's parents arrived. with Tyson!! Grandparents are very helpful. (My parents come next week!)
Friday night we went to a Christmas party for Church. It was very NICE to get out of the house.
Tyson has done fairly well adjusting. I am so glad that he isn't taking anything out on Keely. He gets upset very easily with Luke and I, but not his sister. He loves her. He loves to hold her. He loves to kiss her. He loves to point out all her features and tells everyone about her nose and eyes and ears.
Keely is a VERY content baby. She is doing 3.5-4.5 hours through the night...which now I just need to sleep. (For some reason, I have been having a hard time sleeping...I wouldn't think that would be possible when all I need is some more sleep!) She really doesn't care when she is wet or poopy. She doesn't care even if she has leaked out. She doesn't cry much at all, only when she is hungry (if I am taking too long to feed her). When she wakes up through the night to eat, she just grunts and makes a lot of noise.
Here's an update on the week...
We came home on Tuesday.
On Wednesday I had to go to the emergency room to have a vein checked out to make sure I didn't have a clot. I cried almost the whole time I was in the emergency got worse when everyone asked if I was okay. (LACK OF SLEEP!!)
On Thursday, we tried to do some relaxing at home...since I found out that I over did it on Wednesday. (Me overdue it?)
On Friday, Luke's parents arrived. with Tyson!! Grandparents are very helpful. (My parents come next week!)
Friday night we went to a Christmas party for Church. It was very NICE to get out of the house.
Tyson has done fairly well adjusting. I am so glad that he isn't taking anything out on Keely. He gets upset very easily with Luke and I, but not his sister. He loves her. He loves to hold her. He loves to kiss her. He loves to point out all her features and tells everyone about her nose and eyes and ears.
Monday, December 17, 2007
YEAH!!! My beautiful baby girl is here! She was 7lbs 6.1 oz. 19 1/2 inches long. She is just precious. She is (as of now) a very content baby. She is doing great nursing and she takes a pacifier too.
I did it naturally. Didn't know if I would make it at the end, but I am so glad that I didn't get any drugs. My recovery time has been so much faster without drugs and Keely was so aware. She was up for 1.5 hours after she entered the world and was just taking it all in.
It is so good to have her here! We get to go home tomorrow if everything continues to go well!
Here she is!!

I did it naturally. Didn't know if I would make it at the end, but I am so glad that I didn't get any drugs. My recovery time has been so much faster without drugs and Keely was so aware. She was up for 1.5 hours after she entered the world and was just taking it all in.
It is so good to have her here! We get to go home tomorrow if everything continues to go well!
Here she is!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Just Thought...
I would blog to pass the time.
I have slept a total of 30 minutes tonight so far. Well maybe that's a lie (I might have dozed off a few times). This is the first time that I am not laying down besides going to the bathroom a million times. So, I have been resting.
After it took me a long time to fall asleep, I slept for 30 minutes before being awoken by Keely. Keely has never woken me up during the night besides early morning (like 7:00am). She bounced around in my stomach for about 1 1/2 hours before she went back to sleep. And all the while I was having contractions.
I have been having contractions basically since I went to bed, some of them as close as 5 minutes apart and if I am remembering correctly the furthest one apart has been 16 minutes. So, not much time to sleep in between before I get awoken again.
I am definitely ready to just have Keely!
I have slept a total of 30 minutes tonight so far. Well maybe that's a lie (I might have dozed off a few times). This is the first time that I am not laying down besides going to the bathroom a million times. So, I have been resting.
After it took me a long time to fall asleep, I slept for 30 minutes before being awoken by Keely. Keely has never woken me up during the night besides early morning (like 7:00am). She bounced around in my stomach for about 1 1/2 hours before she went back to sleep. And all the while I was having contractions.
I have been having contractions basically since I went to bed, some of them as close as 5 minutes apart and if I am remembering correctly the furthest one apart has been 16 minutes. So, not much time to sleep in between before I get awoken again.
I am definitely ready to just have Keely!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Waiting Game
We are playing the waiting game! I woke up this morning at 4:15 with a contraction and after that had a hard time going back to sleep. I ended up getting out of bed at shortly after 5:00 noticing that my contractions were coming fairly close and I was having back labor with each contraction (not comfortable to lay down with). So, I timed my contractions for 2+ hours. I started out having them every 6 minutes. After a half hour they decreased to every 4 minutes. I woke up Luke and we got ready for the day and finished packing the last minute things. I had contractions every 4 minutes for about 1 hour. Then after that hour they started getting further apart...7 minutes...9 minutes...11 minutes...ahhhhh!!!!!
I have still been having contractions all day, but they are 2 sometimes a few more in an hour.
She will be here sooner than later. It is just hard sitting around waiting, when we thought we were going to be meeting our little girl earlier today!
I have still been having contractions all day, but they are 2 sometimes a few more in an hour.
She will be here sooner than later. It is just hard sitting around waiting, when we thought we were going to be meeting our little girl earlier today!
Friday, December 14, 2007
I went for my last doctor's appointment today. My doctor did an ultrasound in the room to make sure that Keely was still head down and to check her size, since we are inducing next Tuesday. Well, she is still definitely head down! Very very down!! Her measurements were good. She is measuring about 1/2 week ahead in everything. Her head and her stomach are measuring into the 39th week. My doctor then said that she is very happy that she is inducing me early. Keely is weighing about 7lbs 4oz. So, if she stays in another 4 days she could be pushing 8lbs, 12 days early!
I am 70% effaced and almost 3cm dilated. So, she could come still before Tuesday, but we will see.
I am 70% effaced and almost 3cm dilated. So, she could come still before Tuesday, but we will see.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Another Storm's a Brewing!
So, here we are in cold Oklahoma. It was supposed to start warming up today, but instead it is snowing. Most of the ice melted off the trees, buildings,power lines, etc. yesterday, which is very good! (Please be praying for those across Oklahoma that still don't have power. Luckily there are emergency shelters available.) It is supposed to be a little bit warmer tomorrow and the weekend was supposed to be too but...
...Now we are expecting a second winter storm to move in. This is supposed to be producing only snow. The bulk of the storm is supposed to hit central Oklahoma (where we live) and we could get 4+ inches of snow. I personally am glad that it is supposed to be snow instead of freezing rain.
6 days or less!
...Now we are expecting a second winter storm to move in. This is supposed to be producing only snow. The bulk of the storm is supposed to hit central Oklahoma (where we live) and we could get 4+ inches of snow. I personally am glad that it is supposed to be snow instead of freezing rain.
6 days or less!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Another Day in the Dark
Actually, thankfully it was only 4 hours this afternoon/early evening.
If you are a news watcher, I am sure you have seen that Oklahoma made the news. I guess we have gotten about 1 inch of freezing rain over the last couple of days. Thankfully today it didn't just rained all day. The forecast still says that we are supposed to have a freeze tonight which would make the roads very bad again. There are still trees breaking every where because the ice hasn't thawed off of everything because it is barely above freezing.
I wish I had pictures of the trees and plants because they are beautiful. The two times I went out, I didn't have the camera with me. So, these pictures are brought to you courtesy of OKC News Channel 9.

If you are a news watcher, I am sure you have seen that Oklahoma made the news. I guess we have gotten about 1 inch of freezing rain over the last couple of days. Thankfully today it didn't just rained all day. The forecast still says that we are supposed to have a freeze tonight which would make the roads very bad again. There are still trees breaking every where because the ice hasn't thawed off of everything because it is barely above freezing.
I wish I had pictures of the trees and plants because they are beautiful. The two times I went out, I didn't have the camera with me. So, these pictures are brought to you courtesy of OKC News Channel 9.

Monday, December 10, 2007
We Have Power
So we are still having horrible weather. We lost power at 3:00am this morning and it came back on this evening at 5:40pm. Luckily the west side of campus had power so we headed over to the student center this morning after getting ready. We were over there (and ate lunch there) until Tyson's naptime. We headed back and all got tucked in.
The Dean of students found homes for the married students with children. So, we were waiting to get the map to the people's home and all of a sudden the power came back on! YEAH!!!
After 1/2 hour the lights flickered a few times. But luckily, as of right now, we still have power.
We are still supposed to be getting freezing rain over the next couple of days. But, during the day it is warming up and by Wednesday night it isn't supposed to be freezing anymore.
Wow, we take so many things for granted in our world!
The Dean of students found homes for the married students with children. So, we were waiting to get the map to the people's home and all of a sudden the power came back on! YEAH!!!
After 1/2 hour the lights flickered a few times. But luckily, as of right now, we still have power.
We are still supposed to be getting freezing rain over the next couple of days. But, during the day it is warming up and by Wednesday night it isn't supposed to be freezing anymore.
Wow, we take so many things for granted in our world!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
We are stuck inside today. The whole state of Oklahoma has been hit with a winter storm. Not just snow (actually we haven't seen any snow yet.) The moisture that is falling is in the form of sleet and freezing rain. It is very cold too, this morning it was 21 and felt like 11 and it really hasn't warmed up that much since then. Luckily we still have electricity! This freezing rain might continue to fall off and on all the way into Wednesday. So, hopefully we don't have to get to the hospital in this because the roads are dangerous, covered with ice.
Finally more pictures! These are all of me at 37 weeks.
Miss Keely will be born in 9 days or less!!

Finally more pictures! These are all of me at 37 weeks.
Miss Keely will be born in 9 days or less!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
13 DAYS or LESS!!
I had another doctor's appointment today. She finally didn't make me have another ultrasound! She said that as long as we have positive movement from the baby, we won't worry about it anymore.
As of today, I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. I am still hoping to come without being induced.
But, either way, we will be meeting our little girl in less than 2 weeks!!!
As of today, I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. I am still hoping to come without being induced.
But, either way, we will be meeting our little girl in less than 2 weeks!!!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
We got up and got ready to go to church today. We check the weather every morning so that we know how to dress. This morning (at 7:30am) it was 67 degrees. So, we left for church. 10 minutes later we arrived at church, stepped out of the car and were greeted by a nasty wind and a cold 50 degree day. When leaving church I noticed that it was once again substantially colder than when had first arrived.
I checked the temperature at 12:30 and it was 41 and felt like 30. Wow a 37 degree change in a matter of a few hours. It is so amazing how the weather can blow in and chill everything that quickly!!!
16 days until we meet Keely (or less).
I checked the temperature at 12:30 and it was 41 and felt like 30. Wow a 37 degree change in a matter of a few hours. It is so amazing how the weather can blow in and chill everything that quickly!!!
16 days until we meet Keely (or less).
Thursday, November 29, 2007
It is so exciting...
to know that we will meet Keely soon! I am ready to hold her and look into her beautiful eyes! I am ready to cuddle with her and kiss her. I am ready for her to meet her daddy and see the love her daddy has for her! I am ready for Tyson to meet his baby sister (who we all know will grow up too fast). I am ready for her to be a part of a family that loves her so much already. I do have to say that I am ready to not have her in my ribs any more. I am ready to know when I am hungry again! I am ready to be more comfortable when I sleep. I AM READY!
When I looked at my blog this morning it was so exciting to see that Keely is now the last baby picture on my ticker. I cannot believe that she will be here so soon. She will be here for sure on the 18th unless she decides to come earlier than that (which I would be totally fine with)...which is only 19 days away!!!!
When I looked at my blog this morning it was so exciting to see that Keely is now the last baby picture on my ticker. I cannot believe that she will be here so soon. She will be here for sure on the 18th unless she decides to come earlier than that (which I would be totally fine with)...which is only 19 days away!!!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Yet Another Ultrasound!!!
So today, I had a regular doctor's appointment. I am 35 weeks. My doctor measured me and yet again was concerned about my growth and therefore the baby's growth or the fluid level. She sounded a little more concerned this time. She actually had me go to the hospital to have an ultrasound done.
After the longest ultrasound that I have ever had done, everything is still the same: Keely is in my back, my fluid levels are fine, she is right on track growthwise. I wasn't allowed to leave the hospital until the results were given to my doctor and she gave me the okay. The ultrasound technician told me that my doctor said to stop hiding the baby, but that I could go home. (I really don't think I am going to all of a sudden pop out. Maybe my doctor will learn that.)
I am 1 cm dilated and starting to efface. Still having quite few contractions every day. I am scheduled to be induced on the 18th of December.
After the longest ultrasound that I have ever had done, everything is still the same: Keely is in my back, my fluid levels are fine, she is right on track growthwise. I wasn't allowed to leave the hospital until the results were given to my doctor and she gave me the okay. The ultrasound technician told me that my doctor said to stop hiding the baby, but that I could go home. (I really don't think I am going to all of a sudden pop out. Maybe my doctor will learn that.)
I am 1 cm dilated and starting to efface. Still having quite few contractions every day. I am scheduled to be induced on the 18th of December.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
This Time of Year
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a nice, quiet and relaxing one; we stayed home with our little family and had dinner and watched a couple of movies. Luke's break from school has been so wonderful! (Today is the last day. But, he only has 2 more weeks of school and 2 days of finals and then he is off for 3 weeks...we are excited!!)

I love this time of year! I love waking up every morning to having the Christmas tree lights on and the soft glow of those lights all we use (until we need more lights). Our house is fully decorated and it is very exciting! We wanted to get everything decorated over Luke's break from school so that it was finished before Keely comes. (Actually Luke ended up decorating the majority of the house because I was trying to finish Keely's diaper bag that I made before Tyson woke up from his nap.)

We might get a couple inches of snow tonight! Kinda a weird week weatherwise. Last Tuesday it was 82 and Wednesday was 32. Since then it has been true bundle up weather.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Say Goodbye to the Flip Flops!
Today will be the last day that I where flip flops (or at least for 10 or so days). The weather for the next 10 days, starting tomorrow, is supposed to be in the 40s and 50s. Nothing compared to the 80 degree day that we are going to have today.
I guess I shouldn't be complaining. I have gotten to where my sandals for an extended time. But, I am not ready to give them up! It is just so much easier to slip flip flops on then "bending" over to put regular shoes on.
I guess I shouldn't be complaining. I have gotten to where my sandals for an extended time. But, I am not ready to give them up! It is just so much easier to slip flip flops on then "bending" over to put regular shoes on.

Monday, November 19, 2007
Keely Update
I had a doctor's appointment on November 5th (and wrote this then and am just now posting it). And my doctor wanted to check my amniotic fluid levels again, via ultrasound, just to be cautious. Everything is great. My doctor kept saying, "Your'e hiding this baby very well." "She is very much so in my back." And, Keely is actually about the average poundage right now, so she must have gone through a growth spurt just before my last ultrasound. So, currently she is just a little bigger than average. YEAH!

I started to have quite a few contractions on Friday night (2nd). Friday was just a very stressful day...and then in the evening we cut Tyson's hair. (Tyson didn't used to mind getting his haircut, but now it's like we're killing him.) He really needs his hair cut every two weeks, but it had been 5...high time that he got a hair cut!! Anyway, he got to sit on my lap and have a sucker and watch a movie. From the beginning of the haircut, he was screaming. So he sat on my lap and I had to hold his head still so that we could cut his hair. I guess I should tell you a couple days prior to this he slipped off the couch and got a bad rug burn on his can probably see where this is going. By the end, he was so sweaty and the hair was sticking all over his face that he began to rub his face very hard. He ended up rubbing his nose and rubbing the scab off. So then, along with the stickiness and hair, we had blood all over him and dripping all over. Wow what an ordeal! Then to top it all off, I started crying because I couldn't handle anything else. And then I started to have contractions.
The contractions did stop when I laid down. But, since then, I have been having a few every day. Last Monday (12th) I had 9 in one I laid down again. They pretty much stopped. But, since the whole hair cutting episode, I am definitely having quite a few every day. Yesterday, I even was awoken 4-5 times during the night by a contraction.

Here I am at 34 weeks. :)
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My Little Man Is Sick
So, we are down a man today. Tyson was feeling completely fine yesterday morning and went down for his nap. After about an hour (which his naps are usually over 3 hours), he woke up and was crying, so I went in to check on him. He was telling me that he was hot and I checked his temperature and he was almost 102. (His high temperatures still make me very concerned since he has had a lot of seizures in the past.) But, I think that we might be past those (thank goodness!!) because he is still running a fever this morning and we haven't been having to dose him every 3 1/2 - 4 hours...just whenever I feel like he is getting too hot.

But, the day will be probably filled with me making sure that he is drinking enough water and comforting him. It's so sad watching him laying on the couch because he is such an active child!! Hopefully we are past the throwing up stage...(twice yesterday).

On a happy note, I got all of Keely's clothes washed we are ready for her in that way! That makes me feel a lot better. I will post another blog soon of my almost 34 week belly.
Monday, November 5, 2007
More Cake FUN
I wanted to share my latest cake. Not much to say about it. It was for a friend's baby shower. They are adopting two little boys from Rwanda.

I experimented with a new flavor this time. I did a light lemon cake with a buttercream/raspberry filling. (I didn't get to taste it but I love lemon and raspberry together!)

I experimented with a new flavor this time. I did a light lemon cake with a buttercream/raspberry filling. (I didn't get to taste it but I love lemon and raspberry together!)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
How in the World...
is Keely going to stay in full term? I have no idea. Last night it felt like she was really working on hard at getting out. I know that things move around faster in your secomd pregnancy, but it feels like things are pretty much moved. Last night I was having some small shots of pain heading south. So, I had to sit down for a while because she needs to stay in for a few more weeks to make her healthy enough. Luckily I haven't started having any contractions (not even any Braxton Hicks) yet.
Tyson is keeping me very busy, but will allow me to rest every now and then. Which is great! I have been feeling quite tired this last week. I have been suffering from insomnia for the past week, not every night...but ENOUGH OF THEM!
Tyson is keeping me very busy, but will allow me to rest every now and then. Which is great! I have been feeling quite tired this last week. I have been suffering from insomnia for the past week, not every night...but ENOUGH OF THEM!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
"EMERGENCY" Ultrasound
I had an emergency ultrasound today. My doctor wasn't worried, but for precautinary reasons, she scheduled one. She was worried that either the baby wasn't growing as well anymore or that my amniotic level was low because I was measuring 3 cm smaller than my growth should have been.
The results...the amniotic fluid level was completely fine and Keely is measuring BIGGER in all aspects than most children at this week and is weighing an estimated 4 1/2 pounds which is about 1 1/4 lb - 1 1/2 lb bigger. Okay, so I guess I have big babies. Maybe that will mean she will be early. We are praying for somewhere around December 16th (2 weeks early).
It was fun to see her again. She is definitely squashed in there and moving a lot!
The results...the amniotic fluid level was completely fine and Keely is measuring BIGGER in all aspects than most children at this week and is weighing an estimated 4 1/2 pounds which is about 1 1/4 lb - 1 1/2 lb bigger. Okay, so I guess I have big babies. Maybe that will mean she will be early. We are praying for somewhere around December 16th (2 weeks early).
It was fun to see her again. She is definitely squashed in there and moving a lot!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Hiccup or Hiccouph... an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm; typically this repeats several times a minute.
Well Miss Keely gets the hiccups A LOT! Actually she got them right when I started typing this entry. She usually has them every day. And she usually has them more than once a day. Her hiccups are very rapid and you can see my stomach moving because of them.
Well Miss Keely gets the hiccups A LOT! Actually she got them right when I started typing this entry. She usually has them every day. And she usually has them more than once a day. Her hiccups are very rapid and you can see my stomach moving because of them.
So, WOW! I guess Fall is here in Oklahoma. Saturday was high 80s, Sunday was mid 80s and yesterday...a warm 47. I have to tell you, that temperature change is very drastic. This morning with the wind chill it was low 30s, but luckily is supposed to be in the 60s today and back up into the 70s for the rest of the week. Weather is so unpredictable on the plains. We have to get back into the habit of checking the temperature out on every morning so we know how to dress.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
So, while were in Canada, Tyson all of a sudden grew up. We were having a lot of trouble with him not following directions and not wanting to hold hands when crossing the road...screaming, throwing things, etc.
Well, while we were up in Canada...he all of a sudden changed. I didn't really realize it until we got back to OK. What caused him to change? Could it be him sleeping in a big boy bed? Could it be that we had been working with him for what seemed like forever to get him to obey, etc.? Could it be he has just grown up?
I don't know if we will ever know. But, he has changed sooooooo much! He listens (most of the time). He wants to hold our hands and asks to. He shares so much better and plays so well with kids. Wow. Almost a night and day difference. What a nice change before the baby comes. He is also starting to want to try to go potty. Nothing yet, but hopefully soon. I know that regression (for pottying and behavior) can happen after another baby enters the seen. But, we are happy for the change we are having right now!
Well, while we were up in Canada...he all of a sudden changed. I didn't really realize it until we got back to OK. What caused him to change? Could it be him sleeping in a big boy bed? Could it be that we had been working with him for what seemed like forever to get him to obey, etc.? Could it be he has just grown up?
I don't know if we will ever know. But, he has changed sooooooo much! He listens (most of the time). He wants to hold our hands and asks to. He shares so much better and plays so well with kids. Wow. Almost a night and day difference. What a nice change before the baby comes. He is also starting to want to try to go potty. Nothing yet, but hopefully soon. I know that regression (for pottying and behavior) can happen after another baby enters the seen. But, we are happy for the change we are having right now!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Here I am at 29 weeks. I feel huge but when I look at my pictures I look smaller there than when I look down at my belly.
Keely continues to be very active. She gives me a lot of pain already. Yesterday I had to lay down for quite a while because she was putting so much pressure on my tailbone. She was head down a couple of days ago but I think that she might have gone horizontal again. We are excited to meet her in a couple of months!

Keely continues to be very active. She gives me a lot of pain already. Yesterday I had to lay down for quite a while because she was putting so much pressure on my tailbone. She was head down a couple of days ago but I think that she might have gone horizontal again. We are excited to meet her in a couple of months!
Our Trip To Canada
Well, we are back from the cold north. It was a shock to get adjusted to!! (Actually I think that is an understatement.) We left Oklahoma when it was still in the high 80s and 90s and arrived to a frigid 40s and 50s. Actually the last week we were there it barely got into the 50s, with very cold winds. It was definitely nice to get back to OK and to be able to wear sandals and short sleeves (without down jackets).
I'd have to say Tyson did much better on the airplane than I was expecting him to. We had three different airplanes each way and layovers at each city. On the way back one of our layovers was almost three hours. He did awesome. He had a rough time getting into the seat on the last flight on the way home. I don't blame him I was tired of traveling to. We had left my parent's house at 6:30 am and it was 7:00pm when we left Denver.
Tyson had SO much fun with the cousins. He played with them so much better than last year since he was almost a year older this year. They built towers, read books, played outside (all bundled up), and watched movies together. Wesley and Ethan spent the night with us one night. They had a little fort under the stairs and had so much fun going around and through the stairs.

Tyson was so into coloring with markers when we were there. He spent a lot of time coloring and took his time when he colored. I think my little boy is growing up.

It was fun to have some family time. We had a full Thanksgiving dinner on Canadian Thanksgiving and spent some quality time with family playing games and talking and eating way too much (not that I can stuff that much into my stomach...wherever my stomach is).

(The reason Tyson doesn't have any socks on in any of the pictures is because he insists on not wearing then unless he has shoes on. Kinda like his mommy!)
I'd have to say Tyson did much better on the airplane than I was expecting him to. We had three different airplanes each way and layovers at each city. On the way back one of our layovers was almost three hours. He did awesome. He had a rough time getting into the seat on the last flight on the way home. I don't blame him I was tired of traveling to. We had left my parent's house at 6:30 am and it was 7:00pm when we left Denver.
Tyson had SO much fun with the cousins. He played with them so much better than last year since he was almost a year older this year. They built towers, read books, played outside (all bundled up), and watched movies together. Wesley and Ethan spent the night with us one night. They had a little fort under the stairs and had so much fun going around and through the stairs.
Tyson was so into coloring with markers when we were there. He spent a lot of time coloring and took his time when he colored. I think my little boy is growing up.
It was fun to have some family time. We had a full Thanksgiving dinner on Canadian Thanksgiving and spent some quality time with family playing games and talking and eating way too much (not that I can stuff that much into my stomach...wherever my stomach is).
(The reason Tyson doesn't have any socks on in any of the pictures is because he insists on not wearing then unless he has shoes on. Kinda like his mommy!)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
When I am pregnant, I have ear problems. Almost EVERY DAY my ear is plugged. With Tyson, both of them were plugged. Luckily Keely is only causing my left ear to plug. But, let me tell you how annoying it is. VERY!!! I hear myself talk, breath eat...right now scarfing down a sandwich because I just had my blood glucose test and didn't want to eat anything that would cause my blood to look like I have diabetes...and let me tell you that hearing people eat is one of my biggest pet peeves! Anyway, does or has anyone else had this problem?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
So obviously I don't blog as much as some other people. But, I try to whenever I can, when I have things to talk about.
Tyson and I have a big trip coming up. On Saturday (in the very early morning) Tyson and I are heading up to my parents for a couple of weeks. We get to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with them. Which, is very awesome since we can't spend American Thanksgiving with any of our family...too far along to fly!
I am really praying that Tyson will be a very good boy on the flight. I don't really have the energy that he has. We have three legs to our flight, but luckily we don't have very long layovers. We stop in Denver and then in Calgary (where we go through customs). I have my notarized letter ready that states that Luke is allowing me to take our son out of the country. So, weird that we have to do that, but better to be prepared than chance not being allowed across the border.
We are looking forward to spending some time with cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents...and just relaxing. I am definitely in need of being able to put my feet up a little more than I have been doing!
We are not looking forward to cold weather! It has still been very warm here in OK. But, up in Saskatchewan, it has been in the 50s and 60s predominantly. Who knows, it might even snow while we are there.
For all of you up in Portland area...we have tickets booked to come for Luke's Spring Break (March 14-23). And, then Tyson and I will have tickets booked sometime this week to come for July (probaby for the whole month)...and yes of course Keely will be coming too, but doesn't need a ticket! Luke will be touring the NW with the singing group that he is in and so we thought we might as well spend some time with friends and family!!! I know that it is a long way off, but just wanted to share some of my excitement with you!
Tyson and I have a big trip coming up. On Saturday (in the very early morning) Tyson and I are heading up to my parents for a couple of weeks. We get to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with them. Which, is very awesome since we can't spend American Thanksgiving with any of our family...too far along to fly!
I am really praying that Tyson will be a very good boy on the flight. I don't really have the energy that he has. We have three legs to our flight, but luckily we don't have very long layovers. We stop in Denver and then in Calgary (where we go through customs). I have my notarized letter ready that states that Luke is allowing me to take our son out of the country. So, weird that we have to do that, but better to be prepared than chance not being allowed across the border.
We are looking forward to spending some time with cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents...and just relaxing. I am definitely in need of being able to put my feet up a little more than I have been doing!
We are not looking forward to cold weather! It has still been very warm here in OK. But, up in Saskatchewan, it has been in the 50s and 60s predominantly. Who knows, it might even snow while we are there.
For all of you up in Portland area...we have tickets booked to come for Luke's Spring Break (March 14-23). And, then Tyson and I will have tickets booked sometime this week to come for July (probaby for the whole month)...and yes of course Keely will be coming too, but doesn't need a ticket! Luke will be touring the NW with the singing group that he is in and so we thought we might as well spend some time with friends and family!!! I know that it is a long way off, but just wanted to share some of my excitement with you!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tyson is so funny some times and just cracks us up. (We have many times that are very frustrating, so I guess God gave us these hilarious times and all his loves to make up for the times that are more difficult.)
So, I've talked about his obsession with rocks. Well that still continues. (He has to have something smaller in at least one hand almost at all times. It's not always rocks.) He has also developed this funny thing that he tucks something under his chin so that he can hold just one more thing.
I had to share these pictures because he needed just one more rock, so he tucked the one.

These are some more funny pictures. He loves to hide and I guess he thought this box was just the most fun to sit in.

So, I've talked about his obsession with rocks. Well that still continues. (He has to have something smaller in at least one hand almost at all times. It's not always rocks.) He has also developed this funny thing that he tucks something under his chin so that he can hold just one more thing.
I had to share these pictures because he needed just one more rock, so he tucked the one.
These are some more funny pictures. He loves to hide and I guess he thought this box was just the most fun to sit in.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
My Latest Cake
I had the honor of making a cake for my friend's baby shower. Melissa and her husband (well her family, they already have 2 children) are adopting a baby boy, Ethan, from Rwanda. They leave this week to pick him up. He is so stinkin' cute!!
Anyway, I had a blast experimenting with fondant. I had never used fondant before and so it was fun to try it out. I thought the cake turned out pretty well for a first.

I made this cake for a "County Fair" that our church did. We weren't able to have our yearly 4th of July Celebration this year because of the major amounts of rain that we had, so we had a county fair instead.

Anyway, I had a blast experimenting with fondant. I had never used fondant before and so it was fun to try it out. I thought the cake turned out pretty well for a first.
I made this cake for a "County Fair" that our church did. We weren't able to have our yearly 4th of July Celebration this year because of the major amounts of rain that we had, so we had a county fair instead.
Friday, August 31, 2007
So...I mentioned Tyson's obsession with sticks and rocks. Wow, in the last couple of days, he has fallen in love with his rocks. He has to have one with him at ALL times. We have several on hand in our house that he has brought in from different outings, so that if he needs one we know where to find one.
Today, we went to a barbeque on campus and they had a river rock pathway. He, of course, had to pick one of them. The one he wanted was quite big, so I helped him pick one that was more the size for him to carry around. This rock overfilled his hand. But, it is HIS rock.
He ate with the rock in his hand. Wow, my son can multi-task. So, after the barbeque was finished it was time to head home for a nap (for Tyson)...I completely forgot about the rock because he holds on to it all the time. (He holds it in his thumbsucking hand and still somehow manages to suck his thumb.) We got home and got him ready for nap and yup his rock took a nap with him. And tonight, he kept calling and I went in and he needed his rock. As soon as he had his rock, he went to sleep.
Today, we went to a barbeque on campus and they had a river rock pathway. He, of course, had to pick one of them. The one he wanted was quite big, so I helped him pick one that was more the size for him to carry around. This rock overfilled his hand. But, it is HIS rock.
He ate with the rock in his hand. Wow, my son can multi-task. So, after the barbeque was finished it was time to head home for a nap (for Tyson)...I completely forgot about the rock because he holds on to it all the time. (He holds it in his thumbsucking hand and still somehow manages to suck his thumb.) We got home and got him ready for nap and yup his rock took a nap with him. And tonight, he kept calling and I went in and he needed his rock. As soon as he had his rock, he went to sleep.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Tyson has developed an obsession with sticks and rocks over the last few months. Every time we go running or walking, he has to have at least a stick or a rock but most often needs one thing for each hand.
We went to the park today (thank goodness it has shade) and he found a stick right away. He held onto this stick and took it down the slide with him several times. He kept this stick until he found a bigger stick to replace it. I guess bigger is better in his mind. He kept this one for quite a while and the next time I turned around he had dropped that one to replace it with a tree branch that had fallen off in the recent winds we have had. I was amazed that he could pick this branch up because it was so big. I wish I had a camera because the smile on his face was so priceless.
We went to the park today (thank goodness it has shade) and he found a stick right away. He held onto this stick and took it down the slide with him several times. He kept this stick until he found a bigger stick to replace it. I guess bigger is better in his mind. He kept this one for quite a while and the next time I turned around he had dropped that one to replace it with a tree branch that had fallen off in the recent winds we have had. I was amazed that he could pick this branch up because it was so big. I wish I had a camera because the smile on his face was so priceless.
Zoo Trip
My parents got into town the day that we got back from our Oregon trip. My Brother and his wife and family (3 kids) were here for a couple of weeks on an unplanned trip, so that we got to see them for a couple of days too.
We went to the zoo together for a few hours one morning and saw many many animals. Tyson has a hard time walking (this is usual), but on this particular day he ran EVERYWHERE!! He was so excited to see all the animals. And perhaps he even wanted to stay at the zoo. He did definitely want to get in the cages with a lot of the animals.

He did have a few favorites. I think his favorite was the daddy gorilla. The gorilla was just getting ready for his nap and was laying down the whole time, but Tyson just stood by the window and kept saying "daddy."

Another one of Tyson's favorites was the bears. Tyson loves to say bears and actually says all the letters too.

There was some kind of cat..I can't remember what the specific name was...BUT, Tyson was being stalked by this cat. Tyson loves cats (mows) and watched this cat for awhile and obviously the cat wanted to eat him or something. Wherever Tyson moved to the cat watched him and moved there too. If Tyson stood still, the cat paced back and forth.

And, not much to say about the big felines, but Tyson loves Rawrs. This is what he calls any Lion, Tiger, etc. These are just such amazing creatures that I had to post a few pictures of them too.

The end of a wonderful day with family and a WHOLE LOT of animals.
We went to the zoo together for a few hours one morning and saw many many animals. Tyson has a hard time walking (this is usual), but on this particular day he ran EVERYWHERE!! He was so excited to see all the animals. And perhaps he even wanted to stay at the zoo. He did definitely want to get in the cages with a lot of the animals.
Another one of Tyson's favorites was the bears. Tyson loves to say bears and actually says all the letters too.
There was some kind of cat..I can't remember what the specific name was...BUT, Tyson was being stalked by this cat. Tyson loves cats (mows) and watched this cat for awhile and obviously the cat wanted to eat him or something. Wherever Tyson moved to the cat watched him and moved there too. If Tyson stood still, the cat paced back and forth.
And, not much to say about the big felines, but Tyson loves Rawrs. This is what he calls any Lion, Tiger, etc. These are just such amazing creatures that I had to post a few pictures of them too.
The end of a wonderful day with family and a WHOLE LOT of animals.
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